This year on June 23rd we celebrate Second Life's 4th Birthday- 4 years since Second Life was opened to the public.
There are 9 sims. Each pair of sims represents one “era” of SL. That is, two sims will represent Year 1, two sims will hold represent Year 2, etc. Each era (2 sims) will have a mature sim and a PG sim. And there is a path that meanders through the sims so people can walk through all sims.
Preparations underway for Second Life's fourth anniversary
"In the past, the anniversary of SL's release to the public has been celebrated with parades and fireworks. This year, organizer SignpostMarv Martin said the theme is the past, present, and future of SL. Heretic Linden, a Linden Lab employee who is also helping to organize the celebration, said she hoped the event would allow users to connect with the history of SL, regardless of how long they have been a resident, and meet people who began using SL during at various times."
- Diago Quaranta

Teleports will be restricted within the event area, much as they were for much of SL's history. The anywhere point-to-point teleportation which we have now didn't exist until Dec 12, 2005. There is an old style Telehub in each sim with a clickable map of the nine sims.
In addition to being historically accurate, the result will be that visitors will discover and see more. Teleporting is convenient and necessary given how large our world has grown, but there are many things we miss if we use it as our only source of transportation.

I have an exhibit in the Artist's Ghetto of the Year One area, part art and part historical display. I will be there on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM SL time for a "Meet the Artist" thing.
Calendar of Events: SL 4th Anniversary Art Celebration
Rezago Kokorin - Meet the Artist at SL's 4th Anniversary Celebration
Thursday, June 28, 2007 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM PST
Nearest telehub
Rezago Kokorin's art plot, SL01 PG (27, 227, 255)
Other related links:
Happy Birthday, SL!
^ASL^ @ SL4B -- You Are Invited!
SL History Wiki
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