March 1, 2007

Sasun's Gallery Tour HUD

See Dale Innis previous post: an interview with Sasun Steinbeck, about her sculptures and her very important work with "The Galleries of Second Life" poster. I just tried out the Gallery Tour HUD you receive when clicking the poster. 211 galleries are uploaded! You can tour alphabetically or random. I made a litle video to give our newbies (and others) some idea of how a Gallery tour in Second Life might be.

The video is made with Get it from CNET!Fraps Free version and edited in Windows Moviemaker. Simple and free. (My first video. I might be embarrassed about it a litle later in my new video career.)

Plurabelle Posthorn


Jackie! said...

yaaay! that was an awesome Video, Plurabelle! Thanks for sharing!

ninsve said...

Thanks! I have changed the first version a litle because of some misunderstanding. IM Sasun Steinbeck if the gallery you are going to is missing!