January 10, 2007

Oyster Bay- Bringing the Beauty of the Sea to Second Life

As a general enthusiast of the Ocean, I am simply Obligated (captial "O") to tell you all about Morris Vig's Oyster Bay Aquarium and Sculpture Garden. A delightful blend of art and education, Oyster Bay is a quiet and refreshing retreat that you'll want to share with your friends.

The opening of Oyster Bay proved to be a happenin' event, with a hefty number of people flooding the area throughout the day. A delightfully eclectic mix of music was played in the background while patrons enjoyed beautiful, complex, large scale virtual sculptures.

The most intriguing thing about Oyster Bay is, by far, the aquarium. When you first teleport into the aquarium complex, you are surrounded by the serene, reflective blue of The Deep. Peppered throughout the inner sanctum are small markers that, when approached, give you small tidbits of information about the ocean and the life that resides therein. The amazing detail of the surrounding ocean floor is definately a sight to be seen- Oyster Bay is one of the few places in Second Life that organizes ocean life in accordance to their natural behaviors, as opposed to their decorative abilities.

Whether you're enjoying the sculptures on the suface, or exploring the Deep in true Second Life Style, you will not be disappointed in Oyster Bay.

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