January 25, 2009

Fresh Musical Art

HD Artists New Music Concerts
HD Artists Concert Hall
Sundays @ 11:00 AM SLT

"Music shouldn't always glide off the ears like soft warm water."
—Flivelwitz Alsop, HD Artists Composer

If you are searching for a completely different type of music experience, then consider the HD Artists New Music Sundays Concert. Featuring artists and composers from Second Life and beyond, these concerts provide a fresh and unexpected musical adventure. These concerts fit well with one of the HD Artists goals to "disseminate new and unusual music throughout the land with a clarion call."

This week's event showcased music for guitars and was a rewarding treat for the ears.
Sunn Thunders

January 15, 2009

Artpounce Gallery Opening

four Yip's Installation "Yiplings"

Come join us this weekend for the opening of Artpounce gallery and art center. On display now are works by Oberon Onmura, Selvay Oh, Misprint Thursday, Cinco Pizzicato and four Yip~!

Teleport to Misprint's Aeroport and parachute down... Click Oberons clicky sculptures, and be fascinated by Selavy Oh's installation. You can check out an interesting architecutal build by Cinco Pizzicato too! The Yiplings will warmly greet you in the sky.

Artpounce is sponsored by the sim Ethereality which will have a coordinated sim wide party over the weekend including 8 live music performances


Cube of Cubes Maker By Oberon Onmura

Gossamer Float Boxes by Misprint Thursday

Billboard House by Cinco Pizzicato

Live Music Venue for the Weekend:
SATURDAY, JANUARY 17th - 11:30-4pm slt

12pm - Digby Smalls
1pm - Phemie Alcott
2pm - CQ Bravin
3pm - Damian Carbenell

SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th - 2:30-7pm slt
3pm - Sylar Morrissey
4pm - Vladamir Lamont
5pm - Stella Silvansky
6pm - Raspbury Rearwin